Friday, July 14, 2006

7:30 p.m. 14th july 2006
last night at bangalore!!

Gosh!! Another chapter of my life is over!!
Finally lookin over the hill is fourth year,my last year at college..but that story desrves another post

This is about Bangalore....a city where it is 'happening' (you can read it as ' IT is happening ' too).
Life at bangalore is a completely different picture....people comin in goin out....a horde of people chasin there dreams and most of goin no where....just sittin in another cunbicle in just another this what life has in store for me..I hope not!!

Again I am digressing from the topic...Bnglr has a culture of its own.People earning and living with style..I have lived in delhi..been to munbai and chandigarh...but here I felt something different here..Normal people getting their hair streaked brown....shops for esp. candies..and of course the rock culture out here.Guys of my age suited in weird clothes with weird addons to their hair and beard patterns unknown to a person like me...guess that is why they say Bnglr rocks.

Another intersting thing is the mix of tradition and modernity out here..I have found ppl of my age followin the west and the south(east) in this case quite religiously..wat the hell yeaterday only wen i was eatin out at garuda in front of me were the perfect examples of hotNhappenin and beside me was an aunty sittin in a most tradtional attire...

On a personal level, this trng has been an eye opener..guess it was my first time facing the world on my own having been lived all my life in a protective bubble first of my parents and then of my institute...guess wat..only 1 year left for the bubble to meet its final end...

chalo enough for today!!
MaY tHe FoRcE bE wItH yOu....


Pranay said...

nice to know about blore.that is where we all are headed i guess..

Saanjh said...

hey that was a nice post about blore...pretty much summed up the high points of staying here at blore...

Gammafunction said...

huh..dont get too rosy about bangalore.....there are greyer sides to it as well..but it IS a great city to live in.... definitely...

uatu said...


Obv. I expect Bnglr to be grey but I think it is one of the best cities in India for ppl of our age grp to live..

Your comments are always appreciated